May172019BusinessLegalBeSafe Group offers a 20% discount for all individuals if they use the services of a lawyer. Categories: Business, LegalBy battyMay 17, 2019Leave a commentTags: discount 20%discount fo individualslaw services Share this post Share on FacebookShare on Facebook TweetShare on Twitter Pin itShare on Pinterest Share on LinkedInShare on LinkedIn Author: batty Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:20% DISCOUNT FOR CORPORATE PEOPLE IN 2020NextNext post:OUR NEW ADDRESSRelated postsInheritanceAugust 28, 2020Free legal consultationAugust 12, 2020Application of foreign lawJuly 31, 2020LICENSEJuly 28, 2020HERITAGEJuly 16, 2020CONFISCATION OF ALIMONYJuly 15, 2020